Ministry of Marketing

Ministry of Marketing is an international marketing consulting agency for B2B service providers. With a team of experienced specialists, we push b2b service providers to the level of their ambition.

Over Ministry of Marketing

Ministry of Marketing is an international marketing consulting agency for B2B service providers. With a team of experienced specialists, we push them to the level of their ambition. We are specialized in boosting companies who want to scale or must scale, or that have been put together through buy and build or M&A. Our effort ensures better engagement and faster growth that improves your business continuity.

We deliver:

An activated target audience and team.
Widely supported understanding of the direction your organization is heading.
Improved brand and marketing performance, better ROI on marketing spendings.


   Developing brands or propositions and bring them to market. Are you ready to move from startup to scale-up? We set up your structured marketing approach and create the traction you need.
   We’re experts in measuring and increasing your brand equity. You’re building a company to sell it later? We know how to increase the value of your brand. We are specialised in creating strong and distinctive positioning stories.
   Initiating the right marketing actions and campaigns. You experience difficulties with activating your audience? We use a proven mix of tools and build teams around this to ensure communication that significantly improves engagement.

Kan helpen met




Branding, Digital marketing, SEA, SEO, Strategic marketing

Demografische focus




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Arthur van Schendelstraat 650 3511 MJ Utrecht

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Bereken je tarief

Je tarief is gebaseerd op de unieke bedrijven die we maandelijks identificeren – ruwweg 30% van uw websitebezoekers.

Bereken dit aantal met je Google Analytics-gegevens om je staffel te vinden.

Maak je geen zorgen; na de proefperiode sturen we je een voorstel op maat.

Geïdentificeerde bedrijven

Maandelijks tarief

0- 50

€ 49

51 – 100

€ 79

101 – 250

€ 129

351 – 500

€ 149

501 – 750

€ 199

751 – 1000

€ 269

1001 – 1500

€ 399

1501 – 2000

€ 449

1501 – 2000

€ 499

Geïdentificeerde bedrijven

Maandelijks tarief

0- 50

€ 59

51 – 100

€ 99

101 – 250

€ 149

351 – 500

€ 179

501 – 750

€ 259

751 – 1000

€ 339

1001 – 1500

€ 449

1501 – 2000

€ 549

1501 – 2000

€ 599