Leadinfo is more complete, user-friendly, and affordable than Leadfeeder.
Experience the power of Leadinfo yourself. 14 days free, no obligations.
4,8 | 330+ reviews on Google
Where Leadfeeder stops, Leadinfo continues. In addition to identifying website visitors, Leadinfo offers features like automated lead scoring and follow-up. This allows marketing and sales teams to effortlessly convert high-quality leads into customers – for a fraction of the price.
Company info
Contact details
Lead follow-up
Data for marketing
Liquid content
Chatbot and livechat
Pricing (starts from)
Review score
€69 per month
Leadfeeder (Dealfront)
€99 per month
With Leadinfo, you focus on companies that show clear buying signals, ensuring you never miss another sale.
Discover the power of Leadinfo
Multinet | Up has embedded Leadinfo into their sales processes to understand the behaviour of their website visitors. This has led them to exceed their sales targets.
ISO 27001 certification
No cookies, just data
100% GDPR compliant
We adhere to the 7 essential principles of GDPR, and all data remains within the EU. Your data is safe with us.
Recognize, evaluate, and follow up
Leadfeeder (Dealfront) identifies companies visiting your website. Leadinfo goes further, offering a complete solution for recognizing, evaluating, and following up on your most important leads.
More insights for less money
With Leadinfo, you get standard access to contact details and can instantly see which lead shows the most intent.
70+ integrations
Leadinfo offers many more integrations. Easily connect Leadinfo with your CRM, communication, marketing, or sales tools.
Yes, you can! Request your free trial, install the tracking code on your website, and test us for 14 days alongside your existing recognition tool.
Your price tier is based on the unique companies we identify monthly – roughly 30% of your website visitors.
Don’t worry; after the trial, we’ll send you a tailored proposal. You’ll never pay more than you want!
Companies identified
Monthly cost
0- 50
€ 49
51 – 100
€ 79
101 – 250
€ 129
351 – 500
€ 149
501 – 750
€ 199
751 – 1000
€ 269
1001 – 1500
€ 399
1501 – 2000
€ 449
1501 – 2000
€ 499
Companies identified
Monthly cost
0- 50
€ 59
51 – 100
€ 99
101 – 250
€ 149
351 – 500
€ 179
501 – 750
€ 259
751 – 1000
€ 339
1001 – 1500
€ 449
1501 – 2000
€ 549
1501 – 2000
€ 599